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Universities In Malaysia
Universities In Malaysia
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Bachelor In Cardiovascular Technology (Hons)
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Available programs:
Doctor Of Philosophy (Health Science)(Research)
$ 7882
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Doctor Of Philosophy (Applied Science)(Research)
$ 8378
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Phd In Biomedicine (Research)
$ 5055
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Doctor Of Philosophy (Food Service Technology) (Research)
$ 5055
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Doctor Of Philosophy In Engineering (Research)
$ 9882
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Doctor Of Philosophy (Information And Communication Technology) (Research)
$ 4595
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Doctor Of Philosophy (Computer Science) (Research)
$ 4595
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Doctor Of Philosophy In Social Science (Research)
$ 5268
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Doctor Of Philosophy In Education (Research)
$ 5268
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Doctor Of Philosophy In Accouting / Finance (Research)
$ 4135
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Doctor Of Philosophy In Management / Business (Research)
$ 4135
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Master In Clinical Psychology (Coursework)
$ 9960
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Master Of Anatomy (Coursework)
$ 16444
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Master Of Science In Public Health (Coursework)
$ 17662
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Master Of Science (Medical Physiology) (Coursework)
$ 20499
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Master In Clinical Pharmacy (Coursework)
$ 16282
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Master Of Pharmacy (Research)
$ 9965
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Master Of Design (Research)
$ 10107
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Master In Biomedical Sciences (Coursework)
$ 10120
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Master Of Science (Applied Science)(Research)
$ 7360
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Master In Science (By Research) Food Service Technology
$ 4857
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Master In Science (By Research) Biomedicine
$ 4857
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Master Of Science In Engineering (By Research)
$ 5225
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Master In Information Technology (By Research)
$ 4425
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Master In Computer Science (By Research)
$ 4425
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Master In International Hospitality And Tourism (Coursework)
$ 19499
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Master In International Event Management (Coursework)
$ 9750
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Master In Fashion Business (Coursework)
$ 15862
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Master In Early Childhood Education (Coursework)
$ 7135
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Master In Counseling And Guidance (Coursework)
$ 7552
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Master In Educational Management And Leadership (Coursework)
$ 7175
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Master In Education (Teaching English A Second Language (Coursework)
$ 14662
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Master Of Management (Research)
$ 16139
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Master Of Science (Acounting / Finance) (Research)
$ 3995
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Mba (Coursework)
$ 9861
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Bachelor Of Science In Pharmaceuticals Technology (Hons)
$ 9353
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Bachelor In Traditional Chinese Medicine (Hons)
$ 8414
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Bachelor In Pharmacy (Hons)
$ 12119
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Bachelor In Occupational Safety And Health (Hons)
$ 6522
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Bachelor In Halal Quality Assurance (Hons)
$ 6138
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Bachelor In Environmental Health (Hons)
$ 6830
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Bachelor In Health Science Management (Hons)
$ 8140
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Bachelor In Nursing (Hons)
$ 10525
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Bachelor In Nutrition (Hons)
$ 7757
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Bachelor In Forensic Science (Hons)
$ 10521
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Bachelor In Optometry (Hons)
$ 10530
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Bachelor In Bioinformatics (Hons)
$ 7403
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Bachelor In Biomedical Science (Hons)
$ 11121
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Bachelor In Food Service Technology (Hons)
$ 7650
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Bachelor In Medical Science (Hons)
$ 13746
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Bachelor Of Medicine And Bachelor Of Surgery (Mbbs)
$ 27111
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Bachelor In Information Management
$ 5319
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Bachelor In Product Design (Hons)
$ 9839
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Bachelor Of Science In Mechanical Engineering (Hons)
$ 6420
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Bachelor Of Science In Aviation Management And Piloting (Hons)
$ 11545
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Bachelor In Information Systems Auditing (Hons)
$ 6794
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Bachelor In Visual Communication And Marketing (Hons)
$ 6249
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Bachelor In New Media (Hons)
$ 6715
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Bachelor In Instructional Multimedia (Hons)
$ 6693
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Bachelor In Creative Video And Photography (Hons)
$ 6796
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Bachelor In Information Technology (Mobile Wireless Technology) (Hons)
$ 6794
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Bachelor In Computer Forensic (Hons)
$ 6600
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Bachelor In Business Computing (Hons)
$ 6794
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Bachelor In Computer Science (Hons)
$ 6687
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Bachelor In Engineering Technology – Electrical And Electronic Engineering (Hons)
$ 5736
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Bachelor In Computer Engineering (Hons)
$ 5788
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Bachelor In Creative Multimedia (Hons)
$ 6791
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Bachelor In Games Design And Animation (Hons)
$ 6796
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Bachelor In Graphic Design (Hons)
$ 6482
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Bachelor In Information And Communication Technology (Hons)
$ 6338
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Bachelor In Translation And Interpretation (Hons)
$ 6311
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Bachelor In Liberal Arts (Hons)
$ 5335
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Bachelor In Broadcasting (Hons)
$ 7715
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Bachelor In English Language & Literature Studies (Hons)
$ 7369
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Bachelor In Psychology (Hons)
$ 7984
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Bachelor Of Management (Public Relation & Entertainment)(Hons)
$ 6794
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Bachelor In Education (Electrical And Electronic)(Hons)
$ 7956
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Bachelor In Education (Physical Education And Health)(Hons)
$ 6457
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Bachelor In Education (Science) (Hons)
$ 6794
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Bachelor In Education (Visual Arts)(Hons)
$ 6796
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Bachelor In Counseling And Guidance (Hons)
$ 5286
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Bachelor In Early Childhood Education (Hons)
$ 6800
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Bachelor In Education – Tesl (Hons)
$ 6794
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Bachelor In Airlines Services Management (Hons)
$ 4987
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Bachelor In Beauty And Hair Management (Hons)
$ 6277
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Bachelor In Pattsserie Arts (Hons)
$ 6685
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Bachelor In Music Technology (Hons)
$ 8951
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Bachelor In Spa Management (Hons)
$ 6800
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Bachelor In Outdoor Recreation Mangement (Hons)
$ 6594
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Bachelor In Fashion Design With Marketing(Hons)
$ 6801
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Bachelor In Culinary Arts (Hons)
$ 6794
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Bachelor In Event Management (Hons)
$ 6594
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Bachelor In Hospitality Management – Tourism (Hons)
$ 6146
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Bachelor In Economics And Finance (Hons)
$ 6300
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Bachelor In Accounting And Finance (Hons)
$ 6288
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Bachelor In Logistics Management (Hons)
$ 7472
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Bachelor In Office Management Technology (Hons)
$ 5720
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Bachelor In Entreprenuership (Hons)
$ 6622
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Bachelor In Islamic Banking (Hons)
$ 7480
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Bachelor In Islamic Finance (Hons)
$ 7480
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Bachelor In Takaful (Hons)
$ 7480
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Bachelor In Retail Management (Hons)
$ 5956
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Bachelor In Marketing With Psychology (Hons)
$ 6251
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Bachelor In Finance (Hons)
$ 6744
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Bachelor In Islamic Management (Hons)
$ 6868
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Bachelor In Investment Management (Hons)
$ 6531
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Bachelor In Accounting (Hons)
$ 5809
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Bachelor In Human Capital Management (Hons)
$ 6528
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Bachelor In Law And Commerce (Hons)
$ 6752
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Bachelor In Industrial Management (Hons)
$ 6178
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Bachelor In International Business (Hons)
$ 6757
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Foundation In Liberal Arts
$ 6591
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Foundation In Tesl
$ 6448
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Foundation In Visual Arts
$ 6453
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Foundation In Engineering And Technology
$ 6800
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Foundation In Information Technology
$ 6443
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Foundation In Law
$ 6443
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Foundation In Business
$ 6443
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Foundation In Science (Biological Science / Health Science)
$ 6850
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Study At Management & Science University (MSU)
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